QKPISH (Center for the Coordination and Dissemination of Scientific Information) is a unit of the Academy of Sciences of Albania (ASHSH) that coordinates the
common online network of information and scientific research centers in Albania, through the platforms COBISS.AL (Cooperative online bibliographic system and
services in Albania) and E-CRIS.AL (Current research information system) for digitization, growth and enrichment with indexed information as well as access to
content related to scientific creativity in Albania and beyond.
- planning and coordination of activities for the networking of Albanian libraries in the COBISS.AL system;
- management of the shared bibliographic databases COBIB.AL and E-CRIS.AL;
- providing COBISS software and manuals for shared cataloguing, local library functions and other services for all members of the COBISS.AL network;
- organising training and professional help to libraries and other users of COBISS software and services;
- professional qualification of library staff and evaluation of library staff for obtaining licenses for shared cataloguing;
- providing access to foreign information services and databases for libraries and other users;
- professional help to libraries with data conversion and transfer from other systems.