The COBISS digital repository
The COBISS digital repository – dCOBISS is an application designed to store the most common types of digital objects and manage digital content. It is accessible to all libraries in the COBISS system and is fully integrated with other software modules of the COBISS system. To enter content, the librarian needs at least the privilege to enter holdings in the Holdings software module. All data stored in the dCOBISS repository is accessible to library users in the COBISS+ application. Image files can be used as covers for individual records when displayed in COBISS+, and text files can also be found in the full text.
The dCOBISS repository enables academic research institutions to store open-access publications of researchers and other data on the projects from which the publication was funded, on funders, payers and costs of open-access publications.
Some of the most important functionalities of the dCOBISS application:
- entry and management of publications (publication version, publication license, publication date, embargo);
- storage of digital objects (files);
- project, funders and payers management;
- support for synchronization with local repositories;
- support for displaying record covers in COBISS+;
- indexing of text content for full-text searches in COBISS+;
- the option to search the COBIB.AL shared catalogue and data stored in dCOBISS.